Think and Grow Rich Summary

Think and Grow Rich


Think and Grow Rich Book Summary. Hello friends, today the summary of Book Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill. This is a business-related book,

 If you want to do business, have financial freedom, then with the help of the book Think and Grow Rich, you can achieve everything. I am ready to read this book completely after purchase, you too have read it completely, so you have read this summary first.

 The author was a young child when Andrew Carnegie told him one of his secrets. A secret that helped 500 wealthy people write their own luck.

 Napoleon Hill kept searching for it for twenty years, and finally, he came to know that success can be found in any profession or career, and even an illiterate or less educated person can become a rich man,

 And this secret writer wants to share with his readers that how did 500 rich people get such a big success in their life?

 And this secret is only for those who are ready to know it. Those who applied this secret have their dreams of becoming rich.

 But this cannot be done so easily, you will have to put in some effort. In this book, you will know what and how to do to get success. How and when to start it?

Yes, anyone can get success, but it will only be found by those who adopt it in reality.

 Thirteen steps are mentioned in every chapter of this book, which Napoleon Hill has recommended to become rich. Anyone can make their life successful by adopting these steps.

If you want money, respect, personality, peace, and happiness in your life, then you can know its secret from those rich people. As you cross these thirteen steps, you will get closer to that secret.

 Now get ready because the chance that you are going to get your hands will change your life. Napoleon Hill has given us a clue to the secret that "all progress, all richness has an idea behind it".

Think and Grow Rich Book Summary

STEP-1 - Desire


 When you want something wholeheartedly, then it becomes a reality in front of you. By constantly thinking about your dream, you start looking for ways to achieve it.

 There is a term called money-consciousness which means to be crazy about money. That is, you have a desire to earn a lot of money. This is a condition of the mind i.e. the state of mind where you start thinking yourself already rich.

When you become money-consciousness, you start earning money. Here we are telling 6 steps which will definitely make you money-consciousness.

 The first step is to think about how much money you want to earn. It would not be enough to just say that I have to earn a lot of money. You have to think a fixed amount so that you can make your dream come true.

 The second step is that you have to decide what you can do to earn so much money. Because you are going to get something for free.

The third step is to decide on the date on which you will be able to get your planned amount.

 The fourth step will be to think of a special plan that will make you this money, and after making a plan you have to move forward on that path without hesitation.

 Your fifth step will be to write your foolproof plan somewhere. How much money do you want, how long do you want and what will be your plan, write down everything on paper,

 And finally, the sixth step is to read and remember this statement twice a day.

If you really want to become rich, then it is not a difficult thing for you to follow these steps. In this way, you will see and feel and also believe that you have money.

 Keep repeating it and you will become money-consciousness. Remember one thing that "before every major achievement is achieved, it is a dream".


 There is such a force in this universe that brings us to those things that we believe in. When we get positive thoughts, everything starts being good with itself.

 But when we think negatively then bad things happen automatically. If seen, there is no such thing as bad luck or bad luck. Just what we believe matters.

 Some people unnecessarily consider themselves unlucky and some consider themselves always poor. If we start to believe that we cannot change our circumstances then it means that we have written our misfortune ourselves.

 Because as we make up our minds, the same things will start happening in reality. Now if you create fear and doubt in your mind then you will always be afraid and will not be able to trust yourself.

 By doing this, you are tying yourself in a realm that will be difficult to come out of. It is very important to trust yourself to become money-consciousness.

 Remember that every moment you see yourself rich, feel and believe. Believe yourself that one day you will earn a lot of money. People who speak on everything that they are poor, such people never become rich.

 Whatever we want to become, we can become that by believing in ourselves. Just as the thoughts we fill in the mind, that one day becomes our reality. So the choice is yours whether you choose poverty or richness.

 Once you have the thought of being rich in your mind, then your confidence will bring you success by removing all the limitations for you.

STEP-3 Auto-Suggestion

 Our subconscious mind is actually like fertile ground. If we do not put the seeds of work into it, then weeds will start growing in it.

 For this, we have to adopt auto-suggestion or self-suggestion so that waste does not flow in our minds. We ourselves are so capable that we can choose the thoughts that come into our subconscious minds.

Our subconscious mind makes our thinking a reality. But to do this, we have to reach it by auto-suggestion. That's why it is said that your mind is always filled with positive thoughts,

 And when we are unable to control it, then only we lose. Repeat every day what you want. If you want to get rich then be prepared for it. Make this desire your habit.

Then one day your habit will actually give you such opportunities which will make your success a reality. Start thinking of yourself as a rich and successful person from today itself.

 The plan to reach your goal is in your subconscious, just keep practicing auto-suggestion so that your plan can come to you on its own.

Never give up on this effort. Understand that you are not going to get anything for free. A lot will have to be done to get something. So from today onwards, start putting the seeds of good positive things in the garden of your mind.


 Henry Ford had no formal education but had good knowledge about automobiles.

 In the World War days, he claimed defamation on the Chicago NewsPaper because the newspaper called him an ignorant pacifist.

Thousands of questions were asked to him during the trial in court. The lawyer wanted to prove that Henry was really ignorant. Ford was upset by his lingering questions in court.

 He replied, "I can call my adman here to answer whatever questions you want to ask me, now will you tell me that when I can hire men who can give me information about everything, then I What is the need to fill so much knowledge in your mind? "

This silence from Ford engulfed the silence. Ford did not have any general knowledge but he definitely had special knowledge of his work.

 He knew what his goal was, that is why even those who are not very educated and still successful.

 The things we learn by reading general knowledge or in school often do not come to us as much unless we use them in real life.

If seen, this is just a book study, not practical. If you have a particular interest in something, then you can do a short course or take training in it.

 In this way, you will gain complete knowledge of that which can be useful in your business later.

 Learning is not only about school, you can learn anything at any age in your life. Whether you are a family or doing a full-time job, you can take time to learn your skills.

Having specialized knowledge is a great thing because you know what you have to learn and what to do in the future. It is very important to improve your skills.

Often, companies look at their credentials while keeping employees, as well as their personality.

 How you deal with people or customers or how you will be able to handle the situation, all these things are also seen.

A successful man may not be educated but he definitely has a special ambition and personality.

 Remember that "the person who stops learning by considering everything as schooling, will always be a normal human being." He may achieve a milestone but success is achieved only when you keep learning something in life.”



 It is a very old time once an old native doctor went to a chemist's shop. He told the clerk working in the store that the doctor had a cat, a wooden paddle from which the drink made in the kettle could be rotated, and magic formula.

 By using these three things, that clerk can become rich, but for this, he will have to pay 500 dollars to that doctor.

Hearing this, that clerk bought all three things for $ 500. The doctor took $ 500 from the clerk and went there because with that money the doctor could take all his debts and live comfortably.

 That young clerk had invested his life saving on that formula. He made a magic formula by mixing things written on that paper.

 He had a variety of gold in the hand which ran the sugar industry and due to which millions of people got employment. It made a small town in the South a business capital. In this way, that old cat came in handy for the whole world.

Do you know what mixture was made in that crop? Coca-Cola! Yes, the thing that came out of that mismatch was Coca-Cola, and the name of the clerk who made this mixture was Asa Candler.

 But the secret of Coca-Cola's success was not a piece of paper, it was Asa Candler's imagination. Our wishes need imagination so that they can become reality.

 What is stopping you from being successful is just your own thinking. Change your mind, use your imagination, and then see it! Coca-Cola also ran on an idea.

Today everything we see around us, such as gadgets or social media, is the idea behind them all. Many of us wait for a break throughout our life, but success is not achieved in a day.

 Your idea should be such that it can withstand all kinds of critics. You may also find defeat, disappointment, and discouragement in this. So be prepared for all these things as well.

Make your idea your passion. Work on it continuously without stopping. Make it a reality, only then will your idea become so powerful that you can face every kind of challenge.


 You cannot succeed unless you have a firm plan. Find people who can help you with your plan.

 When you seek the help of people, it is obvious that in return you will have to give them some benefit or compensation. Form your own group and continuously discuss your plan with them.

Maintain a good working relationship with your group to avoid failure. You will need all kinds of people because the same person does not have the knowledge, experience, or ability of everything.

 To achieve success, it will require the cooperation and perfect harmonies of the Auro, and make sure that all the members of your group are consulted before working on the plan.

If the first plan fails then work on the second one, and even if this one does not work, do not give up. Keep making new plans until a firm plan is reached.

 Remember how Thomas Edison tried ten thousand times and then he managed to make a light bulb. Only after failing repeatedly, he became a great inventor.

"He who gives up never wins and he who wins never gives up" Those who give up lack passion. But even after losing, only those who make new plans become winners in the end.

 Failure means that something is wrong that your plan did not work and needs to be changed. If Thomas too had given up, today no one would have even known his name.

 When you fail, find the reason for it. What can you do to make it better? Create a new full-proof plan and work on it anew.



 Ford Motors' Model T was once considered the ugliest car in the world. Henry Ford was advised by his company's advisor to change the design of the car.

 But Ford did not agree and continued to make the Model T. However, he later made a slight change in his design. But even before that, Model T gave them a lot of money.

 Henry Ford was known for his quick decisions and strong intentions. And every successful person has this quality. Sometimes yes and never doers are always poor and failures.

When you make decisions immediately, you also start working on them immediately. Delaying is just a waste of money and time and the result is nothing.

 Ford did not listen to the people who did the evil of the Model T. Because he was quite sure of his decision.

 Wealthy people do not waste time in making any decision but instead, bring necessary changes gradually. They are not easily influenced by the words of people but trust their own idea.

"Opinion is the cheapest thing in this world, anybody is ready to give advice to anyone for free". If you always ask for feedback from people, then you are not going to get anything.

 Most of the people will give you such an Opinion which will give you the disorder and not the motive. Then whether it is your close friend or relative.

Council only with your Master Mind Group. Only your group has complete sympathy and harmony with you because your purpose is the same. Select members of your group carefully. We will explain the power of Master Mind in the next chapter.

 If you have a mind of your own then use it. Hear the call of the fire to become successful. Making good decisions means that you know what you want.

"It is the practice of the world that the person here is valued, whose words are spoken and whose work is spoken", and the successful people know what they want and they live by acquiring it.


 "Of course, slowly but steadily growing, after all, start walking from somewhere only then success will one day be felt."

 Continually choose your destination before walking towards your destination. What do you want to achieve and why? It is very important to know that only then you will get motivated.

 Believe yourself that you are so capable. You have the skills and knowledge that can give you success. Prepare the right plan for yourself, maintain a good relationship with those who are helping you in this plan.

Test your willpower and then focus on your plan. First of all, it is necessary to drive away from the fear of your mind. He who is afraid is unable to do anything.

 Some so many people are waiting for a big "break". A favorite job or business opportunity can be a big break for them.

But such people remain disabled. To get a break, we have to do the same amount of effort, it is not found suddenly. But we can get our big break when we make a plan for it and keep on continuously on its way.

 Now there will be some people who may have got this opportunity from their Strong Desire and special plans but could not succeed. Why so?

Because they gave up easily. Once he failed, he gave up and left the plan. But he forgot the fact that the necklace was temperate. There is only one answer to defeat and that is to keep moving forward.

 "Sometimes it seems that a hidden guide puts a lot of obstacles in our way to test us"Our defeat is just a way to test our willpower.

When you make a habit of constantly moving forward without stopping, defeat will never become an obstacle in your path. Then whatever you have thought will be completed.


 There is a saying that "knowledge is power", but one cannot become rich on its own. Knowledge becomes power only when it is used to achieve its goal.

Master Mind is a group of people who can increase your knowledge so that it can become your power. The desire and purpose of these people are the same as yours.

 Let's understand this with electric batteries. A single battery will give only a little energy, but when we have more than one battery, we will get their energy for a long time.

  In the same way, when you have a mastermind group, your strength increases manifold and with the help of them, you can overcome your weaknesses too.

Before forming his corporation, Henry Ford was also a poor, illiterate, and ignorant human being. But he ran his business with fifty trusted people who were his masterminds.

 He also had a friendship with Thomas Edison. Ford maintained a very friendly and cooperative relationship with these trusted and great friends.

Because of his capable mastermind group, Henry Ford was able to become such a successful businessman by eradicating his poverty. It took him only ten years to become educated and intelligent, and 25 years later he had become the richest man in his country.

 There are many economic benefits of joining a mastermind group, but it is also mentally beneficial.

"Whenever two mindsets join together, a new unseen power is created which together with those two minds creates the same strength as three brains" Obviously when there are so many brains in a group, then they will have the power of a single mind. Will also make it big.

Overall, two minds can think better than one alone if they say. If there is a good working relationship between the people of the group, then together they can achieve more than any individual. Together they can do wonders because their strength is many times more than that of a single person.


 Transmutation is called when energy changes from one form to another. Sachs is the most powerful stimuli in humans. Sachs transmute means that we can use our Sachs energy in many more productive works because it has a lot of power.

 Sachs Energy can be a good use for creativity and business. Sachs is a natural thing. It is included in the things of human need, you cannot turn your face off it.

If it is not controlled, it becomes a deterrent weapon. But if it is used as willpower, then a lot can be achieved.

 Like many successful musicians, lawyers, artists, and businessmen, they used this body's hunger in their creativity and became great.

There are many ways to do mind stimulation such as alcohol drugs or fear of your mind. But Sachs is the strongest of all. A person who cannot control it often lives in crime, poverty, and plight. Whoever used this power properly has always done well and he emerges as a genius.

 Genius is like a pilot on a plane. He goes over the hills and trees, he blows high. Sachs and food are like high mountains and trees in our life.

A genius crosses these obstructions and sets himself free. Now he can open his own path of progress by using his creative imaginations better.

 Our creative imaging is like Sixth Sense. The more we use it, the better it will become. Successful people become more intelligent and productive with the practice of creative imaging.

Studies have proved that successful people have strong sex energy. But they apply this energy where they need their creative outlet. All the songs, poems, or novels are mentioned only in love and sex.

 The confidence in you is reflected only by your Sachs appeal, if you see an artist or businessman, you will understand yourself. You should also use this potential inside you for your creative imaging.

To get out your sexual energy, find a way to do something creative, rather than treating it as a hunger for the body. You cannot even imagine how much power your brain has.

 There is no end to this, so devote yourself to making it great, and at the same time take your career to new heights and become rich with the benefits of your sexual energy.



 We all know that we have no control over the subconscious mind. But this is the part that controls all our desires, feelings, and decision-making power.

 All we have to do is always keep our minds full of positive thoughts. Gradually, these positive thoughts will continue to sit in our sub-thoughts mind. This is a method that will gradually lead us to success.

To improve your sub-concussions, take care of your mind with confidence, love, sex, passion, romance, and hope. Never keep in your mind the fear of waste, hate, jealousy, and feelings of revenge or greed and superstition.

 Try not to get these negative thoughts in your mind. You can never get success by thinking negatively, nor can you become rich. This will immerse you in a swamp of more poverty.

Now you have a personal plan of your own, on which you can get success. You know how you can become rich, although that plan is still locked in your sub-conscience.

 To reach it, you must first get rid of your negative thoughts. First, try to bring positive thoughts to your mind so that you can understand them better.

Start with small things every day. Make your wishes a habit of love, sex, hope, romance, passion, and happiness, and get rid of greed, fear, anger, jealousy, and revenge.



 The human mind is the most powerful machine in the world. It can be used as both a Sending and Recycling device. The strength of our thoughts has a big hand in our success.

 Thinking about all the thirteen steps mentioned here, you can start your journey. You can keep everything in your mind by planning everything from your wish to your imaging and your persistence.

Do you know that between ten to fourteen billion nerve cells are found in the cerebral cortex of our brain? Even more interesting is that all these cells are arranged especially according to the order.

 This method of arrangement of nerve cells makes us humans physically and mentally able to work. Our brain is also responsible for our emotional and mental state.

Indeed, we can really become rich only with the power to think. We can find good opportunities for ourselves by filling positive thoughts in our minds, we can fulfill our dreams by realizing our passion.

 There is power in us that we can also take decisions immediately and try again if we lose, and we can also use our sexual energy to improve our creativity. And all this can only happen inside our little brains.

If you practice stabilizing yourself daily, you can increase both your knowledge and potential, and this is what you need to be successful. By using the power of your brain as well as the rest of your mind, you can achieve a lot.

Mental telepathy is a possible thing if you work closely with your mastermind group. For this, we have to dissect each other so that you can share your thoughts with others and think as a single brain. Use your brainpower, always keep it stimulated with new ideas.

Whatever you learned from this review, try to apply it in real and make it in your habit. If you want, you can repeat those things again by going to any chapter. Repeat in your mind those statements that will make you money-consensual. You are not far away from your financial success.



 The sixth step of these thirteen steps to become rich and successful is Sixth Sense. You cannot reach this sixth sense until you have mastered the remaining twelve steps.

 This Sixth Sense is a part of our sub-conscience mind that handles our creative imaginations. This only connects us to the Infinite Intelligence of the world.

 Sometimes we see thoughts in our mind like a flash which is called "hunches". This happens when our sixth sense is working.

But not everyone can feel it. We can achieve this only by meditating very deeply. All the great people such as Thomas Edison, Abraham Lichen and Mohammad, etc. were able to become great by using their Sixth Sense.

 His own hunches gave him the motivation to do some big work. This Sixth Sense connects both our mental and spiritual states. It acts like a medium that connects our minds with this infinite universe.

Our Sixth Sense not only gives us creative ideas but also indicates the dangers of many times.

 Infinite intelligence is the power that is in the particle of everything in the world. Inside it is the energy capacity of the whole universe. This is the power through which water always flows downwards.

 A day comes after night, and summer comes after winter. Because of this, everything in the universe is connected to each other in some form or the other.

We can also connect ourselves with Infinite Intelligence by practicing our Sixth Sense. As all geniuses do, we can also make the material of our dreams form.

 Because we humans only have dreams, desires that keep our minds Dominated. We can choose our own defeat or victory and we can achieve success with our power of thinking.

The path to success starts with our dreams. As you move forward on these thirteen steps, you will get Wisdom. Your success needs to know yourself and others.

 Finally, only a successful man can understand this law of nature and the way of happiness. We again say that you can repeat these thirteen steps whenever you want so that you can achieve a high level of mental stimulation.

Now you have thirteen steps to riches in whose last chapter you will learn how to overcome fear in your mind. Because until you overcome it, it will keep you bound to a limit, and without winning this fear you cannot step on the path of wealth.

How to drive ghosts out of fear.

Some hidden enemies do not let us become rich, and that enemy is confusion, doubt, worry, and negative thoughts. One of these thoughts is in your mind, then the rest come on their own. As long as you do not fight them and overcome them, they will continue to harass you.

 Sometimes yes, sometimes no and no confidence in ourselves creates a strange fear in us. Here we are telling you the names of six such basic fears,

1) Fear of poverty,

2) Fear of criticism,

3) Fear of poor health,

4) Fear of losing love,

5) Fear of aging,

6) Scared to death.

 Each of these fears reduces our ability. Ties him in a limit. But in reality, all these fears are just a product of our mind and nothing else. This means that this fear can be overcome.

One thing that we have complete control over is our thoughts. "As soon as a thought comes to our mind, it can be physical at the same time" This is its greatest power. The thoughts that are roaming your mind become your social, professional, and financial destiny.

 When you constantly think about the disease, then you start getting really sick. This is an accepted matter. That is why we say that we should strengthen our willpower.

Some people seem more fortunate and superior than the rest. This is due to their thinking. If they consider themselves lucky and better, then they see them like this.

 We become what we think. When someone criticizes you, do not take it to heart. Do not let your willpower be weakened by the critics. Don't listen to the relatives who tell you that "you can't do this".

Paying attention to the matter of the critics will not only ruin your imagination, but it will also reduce your confidence and your ability will not emerge as an individual. So close your ears so that you cannot hear their words.

"Close all the doors of your mind to those people who depress or disable you in every way"

Keep yourself away from every concern. Never think what people will think. Accept the reality of old age and death because it will one day come to everyone. If you are afraid of losing love, then learn to love yourself.

There is nothing in life because of which you have to worry. Choose peace of mind and happiness for yourself.

So friends, if you liked reading this article (Think and Grow Rich Book Summary) then you must buy this book and share this article (Think and Grow Rich Book Summary) with your friends.

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